Latest Episodes
SGV 011: Thwarting bike death - non-profit designs street justice
El Monte and South El Monte are emblematic of inequity in the Valley. That’s where Active SGV’s executive director David Diaz is from. From...
SGV 010: Mish Mash Grab Bag! A Real Sausage Fest!
The saga of Phil Spector’s murder castle in Alhambra... A chat with a young progressive delegate hopeful from Bassett… The rebirth of Dr Rubin’s...
SGV 009: SGV LGBTQ president on El Monte’s hate church
In November Camila Camaleon was elected to lead the San Gabriel Valley’s small LGBTQ Center through turbulent times. But her pedigree in this traditional...
SGV 008: Rap transcends trauma for ‘Woman In The Crowd’ Vel the Wonder
Vel the Wonder is an emcee from Baldwin Park with a very personal style. It’s unapologetic, “nuts hanging” out even as she tackles painful...
SGV 007: El Monte's racist pioneer myth exposed in East of East
The history book East of East began out of disgust with El Monte’s origin story as the "End of the Santa Fe Trail." In...
SGV 006: KNX’s Fierce City Hall Reporter, Claudia Peschiutta
KNX 1070’s Claudia Peschiutta is known for many things in LA news: getting beanbagged by LAPD on her day off, yelling “I object!” at...